All posts by admin
How to fix “duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_$” iPhone
I got this error while working on my latest iPhone app: duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_$ Turns out that after adding an NSManagedObject subclass for a Core Data entity I moved the files into a group (to make the files look neater). When I generated them again after updating the entity it create 2 sets of the files […]
Mime Types (especially for Web Fonts)
I am regularly having to go in search of mime types for web fonts, so thought I would put them here so I will know exactly where to go for them. .eot application/octet-stream .woff application/x-font-woff .svg image/svg+xml .ttf application/octet-stream Feel free to add more mime types below that […]
Move UITextFields when keyboard opens in iPhone app
While working on my latest app, I was looking for a solution to slide the screen up when the keyboard opens so that text fields aren’t hidden by it. I came across this one: TPKeyboardAvoiding its a very simple drop in component. You copy a couple classes into your existing project, put all your elements into […]
How to change colour of UINavigationBar
By default the UINavigationBar on an iOS app is blue. Apple have some built-in styles that you can use [self.navigationController.navigationBar setBarStyle:UIBarStyleBlackOpaque];[self.navigationController.navigationBar setBarStyle:UIBarStyleBlackOpaque]; The options available are: UIBarStyleBlack UIBarStyleBlackOpaque UIBarStyleBlackTranslucent UIBarStyleDefault *UIBarStyleBlackOpaque and UIBarStyleTranslucent have been depreciated. You should use UIBarStyleBlack and set property ‘translucent’ to yes if needed*. You can also change the colour to […]
Exclude Featured image from WordPress gallery
I needed to add the default wordpress gallery to page with a featured image but found that the featured image was also included in this gallery. The best way I found to exclude this is to add the code below to your site function exclude_thumbnail_from_gallery($null, $attr) { if (!$thumbnail_ID = get_post_thumbnail_id()) […]
Day 2 of Developing with EpiServer Relate 2 R2
Day 2 of Developing with EpiServer Relate 2 R2
Google Web Fonts
I thought that Google Web Fonts deserved a post here. I used it in a website yesterday for the first time. I have done tests previously but haven’t actually used it. Admittedly there aren’t as many fonts on there as TypeKit or but they still have a decent selection. It is extremely easy to pick your […]
WordPress site redirects to
I have just finished cleaning a wordpress website that had been hacked. The site would redirect to which is a malicious website. Due to this Google began showing a warning page whenever someone navigates to that site, informing them that the site is infected. I had to go through the site and locate all […]
HTML5 Boilerplate This template is a great starting point when creating a new website. The template contains jQuery, Modernizr, uses HTML5 tags and CSS3 also. The template comes with and index.html page which should be base of all your pages in the site, it also has a 404.html page which can easily be changed to fit […]
PullToRefresh iOS
Maybe a bit late to the table but this plugin is so easy to use but makes a huge difference to an app. It takes a couple minutes to get it working in an app so no reason not to use it if you need a way of refreshing a uitableview