Category Archives: Blog
iOS – Check if wifi is being used
In an app I was making recently I wanted to check if the user was using a wifi connection. I used the method below to check and just checked whether it returned true or false. – (BOOL)networkCheck{ Reachability *currentReachability = [[Reachability reachabilityForInternetConnection] retain]; NetworkStatus networkStatus = [currentReachability currentReachabilityStatus]; [currentReachability release]; switch (networkStatus) { case NotReachable: […]
Upgrading iPhone apps to run full screen on iPhone 5
As you probably know already, the iPhone 5 is taller than the previous iPhone 4S and iPhone 4. When I first heard about the change is size my first thought was how long is it going to take to update all my apps to work on these devices. Turns out that so far it hasn’t […]
Replace custom UITableViewCellAccessory-DisclosureIndicator on cell select
After my last post about creating a custom UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator, I found something else to post about. I needed to replace my custom Disclosure Indicator with a selected state. I tried to replace the image with the help of an if statement if(cell.selected){ }if(cell.selected){ } This didn’t work! I then found a solution which was to […]
Change UITableViewCellAccessory-DisclosureIndicator colour
I needed to change the UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator to be white as I had a dark background and the the default grey colour didn’t show up very well. The best way to do this is to create an image and add it to an image view and add that to the cell.accessoryView. cell.accessoryView = [[[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage […]
Joomla 2.5: Displaying subcategory articles in Category Blog menu item
I have recently been working on a Joomla website and wanted to do the simple task of displaying my articles in a specific category on a page on under each other, just like a standard blog view. I chose to use the ‘Category Blog’ menu item which worked perfectly until I wanted to display subcategories […]
WordPress 3.4.1 upgrade stopped Media Library working
I recently upgraded one of my WordPress websites to version 3.4.1. As soon as I did this I started experiencing issues with my media library. Whenever I uploaded an image to the library I would be hit with a 404 error. I also got the same when I tried inserting an image into a post. […]
NGTabBarController for iOS
A custom TabBarController which can be positioned on the bottom, top, left or top. Utilizes iOS 5 Containment API if possible, but works on iOS 4 too. The TabBar is fully customizable with a tintColor or background image as well as the possibility to show/hide the item highlight and the possibility to change the text […]
iOS Launch Images
When creating a new universal IOS app you need to create a minimum of 6 launch images to support the iPhone and iPad (both including their retina displays). For the iPhone you have it easy, only 2 are required. Default.png – 320 x 480 Default@2x.png – 640 x 960 For the iPad there are a […]
How to fix “duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_$” iPhone
I got this error while working on my latest iPhone app: duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_$ Turns out that after adding an NSManagedObject subclass for a Core Data entity I moved the files into a group (to make the files look neater). When I generated them again after updating the entity it create 2 sets of the files […]
Mime Types (especially for Web Fonts)
I am regularly having to go in search of mime types for web fonts, so thought I would put them here so I will know exactly where to go for them. .eot application/octet-stream .woff application/x-font-woff .svg image/svg+xml .ttf application/octet-stream Feel free to add more mime types below that […]