Category Archives: iOS Development
ShareKit 0.2.1 Twitter not working
I added ShareKit to my project and got the following error: Twitter Send Status Error: {"error":"Could not authenticate with OAuth.","request":"\/1\/statuses\/update.json"}Twitter Send Status Error: {"error":"Could not authenticate with OAuth.","request":"\/1\/statuses\/update.json"} The following is how I fixed it: Around line 54 you will see the following code: self.authorizeURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""]; self.requestURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""]; self.accessURL = [NSURL […]
NGTabBarController for iOS
A custom TabBarController which can be positioned on the bottom, top, left or top. Utilizes iOS 5 Containment API if possible, but works on iOS 4 too. The TabBar is fully customizable with a tintColor or background image as well as the possibility to show/hide the item highlight and the possibility to change the text […]
iOS Launch Images
When creating a new universal IOS app you need to create a minimum of 6 launch images to support the iPhone and iPad (both including their retina displays). For the iPhone you have it easy, only 2 are required. Default.png – 320 x 480 Default@2x.png – 640 x 960 For the iPad there are a […]
How to fix “duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_$” iPhone
I got this error while working on my latest iPhone app: duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_$ Turns out that after adding an NSManagedObject subclass for a Core Data entity I moved the files into a group (to make the files look neater). When I generated them again after updating the entity it create 2 sets of the files […]
Move UITextFields when keyboard opens in iPhone app
While working on my latest app, I was looking for a solution to slide the screen up when the keyboard opens so that text fields aren’t hidden by it. I came across this one: TPKeyboardAvoiding its a very simple drop in component. You copy a couple classes into your existing project, put all your elements into […]
How to change colour of UINavigationBar
By default the UINavigationBar on an iOS app is blue. Apple have some built-in styles that you can use [self.navigationController.navigationBar setBarStyle:UIBarStyleBlackOpaque];[self.navigationController.navigationBar setBarStyle:UIBarStyleBlackOpaque]; The options available are: UIBarStyleBlack UIBarStyleBlackOpaque UIBarStyleBlackTranslucent UIBarStyleDefault *UIBarStyleBlackOpaque and UIBarStyleTranslucent have been depreciated. You should use UIBarStyleBlack and set property ‘translucent’ to yes if needed*. You can also change the colour to […]
PullToRefresh iOS
Maybe a bit late to the table but this plugin is so easy to use but makes a huge difference to an app. It takes a couple minutes to get it working in an app so no reason not to use it if you need a way of refreshing a uitableview
I use this framework when creating iOS apps and need to parse some JSON. It’s very easy to use and I have integrated into many apps I have created.