Tag Archives: iOS
NSPredicate Cheatsheet
A link to a NSPredicate cheatsheet that I have used many times: https://realm.io/news/nspredicate-cheatsheet/ The cheatsheet also indicates what realm.io supports when querying their databases.
iOS taking a screenshot programatically – using Swift
On a project I am currently working on I recently had to use one screen as the background of the next screen. In order to achieve this I opted to take a screenshot of the initial screen, save it as a UIImage and then set it as the background image of the next screen. public […]
“{library} does not contain bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE)”
I have been working with Xcode 7 and iOS 9 beta and updating an existing app for an iOS 9 release. So far I have encountered a couple issues with new features introduced in iOS 9. The first, is to do with App Transport Security the second is this one. The full error is: “{library} does not […]
“The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection.”
I started getting this error when making network requests to our dev server after upgrading and testing our app using Xcode 7 and iOS 9. It turns out that this is a feature introduced in iOS 9, App Transport Security. It basically requires the app to make requests to https urls. These also should be […]
AFNetworking requestWithMethod:URLString: parameters:error: returns nil for URLString
I was creating a request as below to test one of my network calls. NSMutableURLRequest *request = [self.requestSerializer requestWithMethod:@"POST" URLString:[NSURL URLWithString:URLString relativeToURL:self.baseURL].absoluteString parameters:parameters error:nil];NSMutableURLRequest *request = [self.requestSerializer requestWithMethod:@"POST" URLString:[NSURL URLWithString:URLString relativeToURL:self.baseURL].absoluteString parameters:parameters error:nil]; Annoyingly the requestSerializer would return nil for the URLString. This is the url I was expecting it to return. {baseURL}/users/396250/bookings/33050/cancellation?reason=Bad weather After […]
Unknown class in Interface Builder file.
I was recently updating an app cerated a long time ago and I opened it in Xcode 6 hit run. Once the app launched I got an error that said “Unknown class <ClassDelegate> in Interface Builder file.” After reading through a number of suggestions of what to try, most of which were fixes for if […]
“Warning: Attempt to present on while a presentation is in progress!”
“Warning: Attempt to present <CDVInAppBrowserViewController: 0x1ed97060> on <MainViewController: 0x1ed64730> while a presentation is in progress!” I was getting this issue when i opened an InAppBrowser on an iOS device. When this happened the InAppBrowser would not actually load. The solution to this is to wrap the window.open call in a setTimeout setTimeout( function() { var […]
Undefined symbols for architecture i386 – Reachability
Today I add the Reachability classes to an app I am working on, added my #import Reachability.h to the correct files and then implemented a method to check if the device was using wifi. When I hit build, I got the following error. Undefined symbols for architecture i386: “_SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress”, referenced from: +[Reachability reachabilityWithAddress:] in Reachability.o […]
Push Notifications for iOS Apps – PushWoosh
I came across a service for push notifications, probably a bit late to the table but I have only just needed push notifications in my apps. Being a web developer my original idea was to host the service on my hosting and then that way I would be able to send as many notifications as […]
purgeIdleCellConnections: found one to purge conn iOS error
I received this error when I plugged my iPhone 5/iOS 6.1.2: purgeIdleCellConnections: found one to purge conn I did a quick google search for this and found that there was a lot of people that had the same issue. One of the results I found was from a Technical Q/A on the Apple Developer iOS site: […]