Tag Archives: Web Fonts
Setting caret (cursor) position in TinyMCE without using bookmarks
I recently had to automatically implement emoticons in my TinyMCE instance on a website. One of the requirements was to be able to type 🙂 and have it automatically change to the emoticon.This wasn’t a huge task but the issue that followed seem to present a challenge. By default the caret was moving back to […]
Mime Types (especially for Web Fonts)
I am regularly having to go in search of mime types for web fonts, so thought I would put them here so I will know exactly where to go for them. .eot application/octet-stream .woff application/x-font-woff .svg image/svg+xml .ttf application/octet-stream Feel free to add more mime types below that […]
Google Web Fonts
I thought that Google Web Fonts deserved a post here. I used it in a website yesterday for the first time. I have done tests previously but haven’t actually used it. Admittedly there aren’t as many fonts on there as TypeKit or Fonts.com but they still have a decent selection. It is extremely easy to pick your […]